Create Profile

The form below allows you to create a profile which is necessary to place orders. There is a webinar for each section of the registration (personal information, shipping address...).

Helpful hints to registering to this site.

Personal Information:
Your computer name and Operating System can be found by right clicking your "My Computer" icon, select "Properties." When the properties box appears you will see your operating system listed. Then select the "Computer Name" tab. Copy and paste your computer name from here.

Billing Address: Campus office address (example; 3347 N Downer...)

Contact Information: Campus phone, email, building & room number.

Username & Password - What Role to Select:
Shoppers don't have access to funding codes and program administrators generally make the purchases for you. They will have to add items to their Wish list and send it to their buyer.

Buyers have access to funding codes/project grant numbers

Personal information

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Additional information

Account information

A valid email is required
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This field is required
This field is required
I accept the "Terms & Conditions"
All information you provide to us will be kept confidential. We will never sell, exchange or market it in any way.